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Vysala's Profit Print-Out

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How This Came To Be
During my Culinary career I found myself using a small Mead Five*Star 5 ˝ x 3 ˝ inch spiral notebook. As I worked my way through the process of synthing I found it easier to write down the math and see the figures to find the profit in my recipes. It also kept me very well organized with my notes so I could do multiple crafts and go back to them as needed. So I found myself writing out this grid for each synth recipe I was doing and eventually it became my normal process. Here you will find a replica of the type of form I was using during all these years. Mine was all hand written on each of the pages of the notebook, however with my husband's help, I present to you this sheet recreated so you can just print and fill it out. On this page I explain how this is done.

Read the Instructions below to get the full details on how to use this print-out. Or if you are looking for the print-out, you can find it here:

Vysala’s Profit Print-Out Download

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Detailed Instructions
Using this print-out you can easily track your profits for each nation, the cost of materials and the recipe itself for a "shopping list" while gathering materials.

The sheet is intended for one recipe to be calculated. The initial figures start out with what it would take to do a single synth and then, according to the yield, allows you to find your total cost for a stack of the product. This way you have the total cost for a single item and a stack. Then with this information you can compare the Auction House prices to the cost to help you decide if it is a worthwhile recipe to synth for profit or not.

Because High Quality is not something you can count on, I have made this sheet so that you can calculate the minimum profit possible by only receiving Normal Quality results. This way if you do not get many HQ's you will at least ensure that you will still turn a profit from your NQ's. Be sure to choose synths that not only the HQ sells but the NQ does too - this way you can make sure you get your initial investment back plus profit and any HQ's you make is just icing on the cake.

If you have not downloaded Vysala's Profit Print-Out yet, now is the time to take a look at it. Notice that it is a half page, so that you can have two recipes, or if printed on the back; four recipes.

An Example
To give you a better idea on the working order of this sheet, I have filled out an example for you to look at. This may not be accurate to your server economy, but it was accurate to mine at one point. Regardless it is the example of how to use the form that the example is intended to show here.

A completed example for Rolanberry Pie: Completed Example.

Section Details
Now that you have seen the example, I would like to break it down into sections and explain them in complete detail. You will need the Section details reference form open to explain the next section of instructions.

Section details reference form: Section Details.

As you can see on the Section Details form I have divided all of the areas by letter. Below is a a description for each section.

Section A
These items are mostly self explanatory. I will take the left column first, then the right.

  • Item Name: The name of the item you are doing a profit analysis for.

  • Craft Lvl: The level in which the recipe caps and you would no longer skilling up on it.

  • NQ Effects: These are the effects that the food would give the person eating the Normal Quality version of this food. It is good to have the effects on hand just in case a customer asks you about it.

  • HQ Effects: These are the effects that the food would give the person eating the High Quality version of this food.

  • NQ Yield: The amount of product you make from a single set of ingredients.

  • HQ1 Yield: The amount of product you make when you create a High Quality at the first tier.

  • HQ2 Yield: The amount of product you make when you create a High Quality at the second tier.

  • HQ3 Yield: The amount of product you make when you create a High Quality at the third tier.

Section B
This section is for adding up the cost of your materials for a single synth for this recipe.

  • Purchase Location: This column is for notes on where you prefer to buy the item. Many times I just put the nation and map location or if it is best to purchase at the AH or farm.

  • Ingredient: Here you write on each line your ingredients. Start with your crystal type and move down the list writing each item.

  • Item Price: In this column you have the NPC column and the AH column. This is so you can see a side by side comparison of what it would cost to buy your ingredient from the AH verses an NPC. On occasion you will find that the AH price is better. "Sngl" is the cost of a single item and "Stk" is the cost of that item in a stack. I tend to circle the one I prefer to purchase the ingredient from for easy future reference.

  • Amt.: In this column write the amount of the item needed for a single synth. In the Rolanberry Pie recipe you only need one of each item. There are recipes that you will need more of a single item in for a single synth.

  • Cost: In this column put the total cost for a single synth for each single item. For example since I only needed one bird egg for the single synth, I put 50gil in that row for the cost. If I happened to needed two bird eggs I would have put 100gil for the cost (the amount of course is noted in the "Amt." column for easy reference). At the bottom of this column is the Cost Per Synth box. You need to add up all of your number in the Cost column to get your total cost for a single synth and put that figure in the Cost Per Synth box.

Section C
In this section you will find out how much gil it costs you for the ingredients to make an entire stack of the item.

  • Stack Size: Circle the maximum amount the item you are synthing can be stacked to.

  • Synths Per Stack: This is to determine how many synths it takes to get a stack of the item you are making. Take the Stack Size and divide it by the Yield (Yield is noted at the top of the sheet). For Rolanberry Pie it takes 3 synths to create a full stack of pie.

  • Cost Per Stack: This is determined by taking the Cost Per Synth and multiplying it by the Synths Per Stack. Here you will see in my example that it cost only 2940gil to make a stack of Rolanberry Pie. That means if the market sells them for less then 3,000 a stack then it would be very unwise to enter this market at this time. But as you can see in the next section, Rolanberry Pie is a winner for profit.

Section D
In this section you are equipped with the knowledge of how much profit you can make off of your recipe. This will help you determine which nation to sell your item in and how much you should expect to get in return. For this section you will need to visit each of the Auction Houses or at least the ones in the nations you are interested in selling your product in. Having mules in each of the nations or asking friends to help out here comes in real handy for saving travel time.

  • Jeuno: Look up at the Auction House how much a single of your item sells for and write it in the Sale Price on the left of the slash. Now look up a stack and do the same. In the next row, Cost Per Stack, write in how much gil it takes you to make a single item and a stack (if your yield is more the one per synth, you may need to divide the Cost Per Synth figure by the yield to get your cost per single item - in my example Rolanberry Pies synth in 4's so 980gil divided by 4 is 245gil for a single pie). Finally take the Sale Price and subtract the Cost Per Stack to get the Profit. You can do this by single or stack or both. In some cities, like Jeuno, singles will sell.

  • San d'Oria: The same process used for Jeuno is used here. Look up at the Auction House how much a single of your item sells for and write it in the Sale Price on the left of the slash. Now look up a stack and do the same. In the next row, Cost Per Stack, write in how much gil it takes you to make a single item and a stack (if your yield is more the one per synth, you may need to divide the Cost Per Synth figure by the yield to get your cost per single item - in my example Rolanberry Pies synths in 4's so 980gil divided by 4 is 245gil for a single pie). Finally take the Sale Price and subtract the Cost Per Stack to get the Profit. You can do this by single or stack or both. In some cities, like Jeuno, singles will sell. In smaller cities like San d'Oria they may not sell in singles. You will have to look at the market to determine this.

  • Bastok: The same process used for Jeuno is used here. Look up at the Auction House how much a single of your item sells for and write it in the Sale Price on the left of the slash. Now look up a stack and do the same. In the next row, Cost Per Stack, write in how much gil it takes you to make a single item and a stack (if your yield is more the one per synth, you may need to divide the Cost Per Synth figure by the yield to get your cost per single item - in my example Rolanberry Pies synths in 4's so 980gil divided by 4 is 245gil for a single pie). Finally take the Sale Price and subtract the Cost Per Stack to get the Profit. You can do this by single or stack or both. In some cities, like Jeuno, singles will sell. In smaller cities like Bastok they may not sell in singles. You will have to look at the market to determine this.

  • Windurst: The same process used for Jeuno is used here. Look up at the Auction House how much a single of your item sells for and write it in the Sale Price on the left of the slash. Now look up a stack and do the same. In the next row, Cost Per Stack, write in how much gil it takes you to make a single item and a stack (if your yield is more the one per synth, you may need to divide the Cost Per Synth figure by the yield to get your cost per single item - in my example Rolanberry Pies synths in 4's so 980gil divided by 4 is 245gil for a single pie). Finally take the Sale Price and subtract the Cost Per Stack to get the Profit. You can do this by single or stack or both. In some cities, like Jeuno, singles will sell. In smaller cities like Windurst they may not sell in singles. You will have to look at the market to determine this.

Section E
Lastly this section is for notes and any other information you might find useful to this synth. I often write locations, ways to reduce cost, region vender locations or names of people that frequently order this item from me.

I would like to say that recipes vary in complexity and some additional math for multi-synth recipes and the like may be needed. However for overall reference this print-out should work well for just about any recipe. Because crafts are different, I do not know how well this form will work with crafts other then Cooking, but it could probably be adapted.

Thanks for giving it a shot, I hope it works out for you.